* updates at end of post, generally most recent last *
I hadn’t really intended to write anything on this. So I won’t. However, lots of other people have and many of those contributions have been articulate, intelligent and go well beyond the specific issue that brought it all to a head.
So, in an effort to be helpful I thought I’d collect together all the pieces (of any worth) in one place so that people can read for themselves the various perspectives. I’m bound to have missed some, as I’ve not exactly been dedicating myself to trawling the internet over the last two weeks, but I hope it is reasonably comprehensive. If you want to bring a piece to my attention that I’ve not linked to contact details are at the bottom of the post – do let me know.
* updates at end of post, generally most recent last *
Let’s try to put this in some sort of order.
In the run up to the SWP’s national conference at the beginning of this month there was an unprecedented amount of fractiousness, four members who were unhappy with the Central Committee were expelled and in response two factions were set up formally and a minority grouping on the Central Committee formed demanding their reinstatement and other reforms – all highly unusual. However it is the fall out after conference that we shall concentrate on here;
- Socialist Unity published a leaked transcript of a discussion at SWP conference dealing with a highly contentious report on an internal investigation conducted by friends of the “defendant” over an accusation of rape which, obviously, exonerated him.
- SWP leader Charlie Kimber issued an order for SU to take it down (also on Socialist Unity). He didn’t.
- Tom Walker a journalist on Socialist Worker publicly resigned in the pages of Weekly Worker.
- Laurie Penny wrote a very measured piece on this in the New Statesman.
- The Independent wrote a piece on it, bizarrely linking the story to Sharia law.
- Andy Newman of Socialist Unity was compelled to point out that was not his analogy in The SWP and quasi-judicial proceedings.
- The Daily Mail and the Sunday Times also printed stories on this.
- Richard Seymour then came out as part of the opposition in a very well written piece The SWP in crisis.
- The crisis in the SWP broke into full view. Even the Swindon Advertiser is covering the story.
- It’s been pointed out that Unkant was possibly the first to publicly speculate that this conference was going to be a lot hotter than people realised – in their own inimitable fashion.
Resignation letters
- “Donny Mayo” (Counterfire) * recommended letter from former Central Commitee member
- Tom Walker (Weekly Worker) * recommended letter from Socialist Worker journalist
- Jon Hosier (Socialist Unity)
I’m disgusted but not resigning letters
- China Mieville (Lenin’s Tomb)
- Linda Rogers (Lenin’s Tomb)
- Ian L (Lenin’s Tomb)
- Leeds Universtiy SWSS group open letter (reproduced at Grumpy Old Trot)
- Sussex University SWSS
- Emma Rock (Lenin’s Tomb)
- Nathan Akehurst (his own blog)
The case for the defense There’s not much of it…
- Socialist Worker’s official report of the conference.
- Lenin’s Tomb in urgent need of repair Snowball, possibly the only pro-CC piece online by an SWP member. Quite funny.
- A much delayed edition of “party notes” which tells everyone to shut up. Hilarious.
- Gilad Atzmon has written a foul defense of Martin Smith in which he explicitly and repeatedly says it is all down to the Jews. I’m the SWP CC are far from doing cartwheels at this sort of support.
Discussion from those in the SWP and SWP tradition
- Serbian section splits from international grouping (Grumpy Old Trot) * recommended
- The crisis in the SWP. Counterfire. * recommended
- Why it is necessary to fight and A reply to the central committee, Richard Seymour
- The SWP in crisis, what do socialists say? Keith Watermelon
- Some thoughts on IS theory and Get on t’internet from Roobin
- The SWP and women’s liberation. Nora J at Lenin’s Tomb
- Thoughts on the crisis, ISO member in the USA
- Reflections on the crisis in the British SWP Paul Kellogg, Canadian IS
- For a creative regroupment of the left, Alan Gibbons, former SWP member
- Sexism and the left Suki Sangha and Sarah Collins, ISG Scotland
Discussion by non-SWP members on the wider implications of this case
- SWP internal committee exonerates senior member of rape. Laura F-Word
- Colluders in sexual violence, don’t let thhem off the hook Rebecca Johnson (touched on)
- 10 years on, a comment on the British SWP, Mike Marqusee * recommended
- Crawling from the wreckage, Mark Perryman (Socialist Unity) and I’ll cry if I want to
- What happens next? Andy Newman of the same site, and explaining the paradox.
- The SWP meltdown, institutional legitimacy and the broader lesson for the left Though Cowards Flinch
- Countless zig zags on women’s oppression Weekly Worker
- Whose Democratic Centralism?, Jane Kelly of the orthodox Trotoskyist Socialist Resistance. Also No Marxism without feminism
- Sex, lies and audio tape. Stuart King of Trotskyist groupescule Permanent Revolution
- SWP crisis, what now? Workers Power (ditto description)
- The SWP crisis AWL, the SWP’s arch-rivals and the case isn’t closed
- Leninism in the twenty first century Pham Bin and how not to deal with a rape allegation (Northern Star)
- On hubris, Grumpy Old Trot
- The Socialist Workers Party and the Rape Committee: When organisations become cults Not so big society
- Where now for the SWP? and The SWP, Rape and revolutionary justice and SWP, life on the revolutionary treadmill AVPS
Ones I’d missed Readers are welcome to let me know of any interesting links I’ve missed or that were written after I posted this.
- Progress online has the centre-right critique of the whole thing.
- Under the Ocular Tree links to all the Harry’s Place articles, mainly by Michael Ezra.
- The left: Rebellion, regroupment and the party we need Ben Lewis in a bumper SWP-themed issue of Weekly Worker
- SWP crisis: Opposition emboldened as demand for recall grows Paul Demarty lead article in Weekly Worker.
- Sexism: Macho culture and the lessons we can learn from the Middle East Yassamin Mather in Weekly Worker draws an interesting parallel.
- Can the SWP survive? Tony Greenstein
- THE CRISIS IN THE SWP AFFECTS THE ENTIRE LEFT from the anti-capitalist initiative
- The SWP and the collapse of the cults at the not so big society
- Crisis reveals a crisis on the left William Bowles
SWP “opposition” members have launched a blog to bring together their efforts into one place. Visit the International Socialism blog for more info. More updates (Monday 21st onwards)
- British politics urgently needs a new force Owen Jones in the Independent
- Sample motions calling for a recall conference International Socialism
- Reply to party notes International Socialism
- Misogynists and the Left Mhairi McAlpine
- Time to Fight: The Crisis in the SWP Andy Wilson, UnKant
- Respect the authority of conference International Socialism
- Facing reality John Palmer, Red Pepper
- University paper Concrete reports on a public meeting with SWP CC member Judith Orr.
- The SWP as a perfect democracy Paul Scott
- New Zealand ex-sister organsation the Workers’ Party respond to the SWP.
- SWP, no return to normal Ben Lewis, Weekly Worker
- What are the politics of the SWP opposition? Paul Demarty, Weekly Worker
- Anonymous letter to the national secretary International Socialism
- LSE SWSS and Birkbeck SWSS issue statements on the crisis
- Kings College SWSS, Leeds SWSS, Sussex SWSS, Brighton SWSS, Manchester SWSS, Queens SWSS, Portsmouth SWSS, Brunel SWSS, Kent SWSS, UEA SWSS, Liverpool SWSS, Essex SWSS, East London SWSS, FE SWSS
Yet more updates (from Monday 28th onwards)
- From the SWP tradition;
- Tom Walker on The SWP: where did it all go wrong * recommended
- China Mieville on where is the line in the sand?
- Richard Seymour on the SWP opposition is growing
- Can I get a conference lists branches that have passed motions for a recall conference.
- A message of support from Ireland
- Anonymous letter to the national secretary
- Warmly recieved? on a meeting in UEA (also letter on same subject)
- Goldsmiths SWSS statement (facebook)
- An open letter from some SWP allies
- Alex Callinicos replies to the critics in Socialist Review. * bizarre, must read
- Resignation in song? Why not indeed. Jack Brindelli
- Kevin Crane responds with Is interventionism finished?
- Is Zinovievism finished ask the International Socialists
- Reflections on the 2011 conference (backstory)
- The International Socialist Organisation in the US has issued a statement in their Socialist Worker.
- And have a follow up article Leninism is unfinished.
- Advice for comrades feeling the heat International Socialism
- Justin Constinanou in the pages of Weekly Worker (half way down)
- Open letter from Germany * highly recommended
- Can the SWP deal with rape allegations? Linda Rodgers * highly recommended
- Louis Proyect replies to Callinicos.
- The Northern Star says Callinicos has mangled the issues.
- Max Dunbar on Nice Guys of the SWP
- Andy Newman on Sexism, Feminism and the SWP
- And again on The SWP, the Empire strikes back
- Derek Wall argues for a non-sectarian solution in the Morning Star
- I’m not a great fan of Downfall parodies – but this is very well done.
- Tony Greenstein takes apart Gilad Atzmon’s defense of “Delta”.
- Screenshot of a story in The Times on this (jpg)
- Socialist Resistance ask Is the left coming together or falling apart?
- Jon Rogers has a message for his SWP friends.
- Andy Carling on Comrade Rohypnol.
- Norman Geras Leninism forever?
- Digital Journal: The Tortskyist view of rape
- Callinicos and the “dark side” Weekly Worker
- Open letter from trade unionists.
- Counter Punch Is the party over?
Even more updates (from Saturday 2nd Feb onwards)
- In The Press
- The Daily Mail goes for the throat in what is actually a very fair article. A show of hands! That’s how the Socialist Workers Party cleared a comrade of rape.
- Nick Cohen in the Observer has a right old pop at both sides. (The Third Estate respond to his piece, as do Deeva’s Corner)
- Owen Hatherley on Comment is Free.
- Oliver Kamm in the Times (paywall)
- Debate
- Turkish organisation AntiKapitalist Eylem on the crisis. (in Turkish but google translate is your friend here).
- Sean Thompson writes more in sorrow than in anger, and thinks Lenin deserves some sympathy.
- But Anna Chen is pretty angry about it all.
- Mum’s Net are discussing the crisis. Really.
- Workers Power reports from the UtR exec meeting on how the crisis is effected the SWP’s industrial work.
- Soviet Goon Boy reflects on the SWP crisis. A thorough overview.
- First Central Committee member to resign Socialist Unity. * breaking
- The Weekly Worker still thinks the SWP is a dead end, they have been given a green light to expel the opposition, but are puzzled that the left aren’t really talking about the crisis.
- Grumpy old trot describes the battle for the SWP.
- AVPS says the end is nigh.
- Mike Gonzales and the ideological priesthood from Louis Proyect.
- The Weekly Worker records the twilight of the idols, the cc’s fear of the internet and have a transcript (!) of an internal meeting of the International Socialism Journal.
- From the IS tradition
- Tom Walker writes a thoughtful appraisal of what it means to reclaim Lenin or the IS tradition.
- Behind the iron curtain Red Rants looks at the crisis in the UK and Ireland.
- The motions to National Committee on the crisis are at Socialist Unity. * useful documents
- International Socialism has a response to the CC proposals.
- The US Socialist Worker has a little discussion with CC loyalists.
- On accusations of heresy International Socialism.
- Mark Bergfield’s letter of resignation from the Central Committee.
- Two factions launched – one within the other. In defense of the party (pdf), and Democratic Renewal Platform.
- A special conference has been called for March 10th. International Socialism, the Central Committee explains their reasoning for it – apparently the opposition are behaving “bureaucratically” by acting on their constitutional rights. Tut.
- Seasoned SWP leader and general good egg Pat Stack writes to party members.
- From the US Paul D’Amato is concerned that the case for the CC is full of over-theorised holes.
- From International Socialism: Defending the SWP, and When is a conference not a conference?
- The Central Committee has issued a list of supporters which has marginally more names than the IDOOP grouping.
Next batch of updates: from Sunday 17th Feb.
- Socialist Unity has the SWP’s leaflet from Unision’s women’s conference
- The story of Billy Delta, the sorry tale told as a very disrespectful cartoon. (Black humour warning, don’t go without strong stomach)
- Gregor Gall on what the crisis means for the left and democracy.
- Weekly Worker looks at the SPEW’s non-response to the crisis, reports on IDOOP’s caucus and says the CC is fighting dirty.
- Tom Walker takes to task the top down culture that helped create the SWP crisis.
- SWP meltdown: blogging “filth” spoiling our game by Madam Miaow.
- Soviet Goon Boy says that the age difference matters.
- Cath Elliot reports from UNISON women’s conference and the SWP’s reception there.
- Nick Cohen on further rape allegations about to break (and the same at SU).
- Why does the “bourgeois media” want to cover the SWP crisis? Socialist Action “explains”.
- HarpyMarx on the SWP and women’s liberation.
- Howie’s corner comments on the attitude to students in the CC faction. He also looks at a bizarre SWP weekend.
- Captain Jack revisits what the IS tradition actually is in the light of everyone trying to reclaim/represent it.
- Soviet Goon Boy looks at the uses of paranoia in a faction fight.
- Sadly Weekly Worker has only two articles on the crisis: first it criticises IDOOP for not being aggressive enough, second it writes on how the CC are using theory in a self-serving way.
- Resources;
- The Central committee motion to the special conference.
- IDOOP faction documents and agendas.
- IDOOP concerns about attacks on SWSS.
- IDOOP reports on their strategy to organise.
March updates
- The excellent Soviet Goon Boy has two new pieces. “Once Tiberius is dead I, Sejanus, will rule as Emperor in Rome” and Lord Acton and the guillotine: our Tendency after Cliff
- Feminism and the SWP at the Northern Star
- Andrew Coates looks at the experience of permanent factions in the IMG (it has come up).
- The Guardian’s Suzanne Moore references the SWP, and not in a good way.
- Durriti says the crisis is about power.
- This week’s Weekly Worker has two articles CC tactics of divide and rule, and Alex Callinicos is haunted by Lenin at the student day school. Late additions include; pre-conference aggregates report back and Richard Seymour looks to the future.
- HarpyMarx takes a look at a weak piece on feminism in Socialist Worker. (Also a barrel of sewage)
- Cathy Nugent looks at the same piece.
- SWP member Roobin is not happy, understandably.
- The Socialist Party of Great Britain have an open letter to SWP members.
- The Guardian has a distressing piece by Shiv Malek and Nick Cohen on SWP rape allegations past and present.
- The BBC reports the crisis with an extended news piece. * I wonder if attacking Owen Jones was a good idea?
- Video: Tom Walker gives good summary of the basic problems, Radio Free Utah has an extended talking head on the crisis and forms of organisation.
- BBC report and then crushing debate Daily Politics from 36 mins
- Camilla Power – what would Marx and Engels think?
- The problem with next door’s party – Gonseaux Journal
- Resources;
- Socialist Worker has a pop at feminists
- The papers for this coming weekend’s conference – pdf. * Essential extensive discussion doc
- Opposition After Sunday document
- Reports from/on the special conference;
- The Red Needle – opposition smashed.
- Red Bed Head on the bureaucracies fangs, (plus more general notes on bureaucracy)
- Weekly Workers’ initial assessment.
- Resignation letter of Andy Lawson (creeping feminist), Jennifer Marks, Jules Alford, Richard Seymour, Dave Marsh and a mass (123+) resignation letter, Brighton and Sussex SWSS, Leeds SWSS resign.
- Soviet Goon Boy Order prevails in Vauxhall.
- The Times Left-wing party split as secret ‘rape trial’ clears top comrade (paywall for full story)
- Harry’s Place are delighted.
- Workers Liberty and Weekly Worker on the conference and the aftermath.
- Party Notes has the vote at 483 for the CC, 133 against, 13 abstentions.
- Socialist Worker has a report that gives no indication what any of it was about.
- More to come I’m sure – preliminary chat with delegate been told CC won votes roughly 400 to 140 (tbc)
- Phil BC – the SWP, an obituary.
- HarpyMarx: the SWP and the fear of feminism.
- Brendan O’Neill blames feminism for the SWP crisis.
- Louis Proyect on a tale of two SWPs.
- A new network – international socialism.
- Why Laurie Penny cares about the crisis, Norm however does not.
- Mark Perryman wonders if this is a turning point for the left as a whole, as does Hatful of History.
- Resonance FM (audio) debate with Laurie Penny and Zoe Stavvery (?)
- The loneliest jukebox says fury is trumping thinking among the CC’s critics.
- Lenin’s Tomb: The crisis in the SWP part one, part two.
- Statement: Our movement must be a safe place for women.
- Workers’ Power thinks no one should have resigned.
- Ravotr sums up the story so far and asks how did the cc allow it to go so far?
- To the victor goes the toils gives us a brief history of the SWP and women’s oppression.
- A shower of bastards. The long awaited Game of Thrones ‘spoof’.
- Liberal Conspiracy says the scandal has wider implications.
- Red Bed Head on how the bureaucracy and the international grouping (and part two).
- Weekly Worker has two articles this week: Rape is not the problem and the errors of opposition.
- Mark Steel thinks it shouldn’t matter what happens in the SWP, but it does. * highly recommended
- michael Rosen writes a crucial piece from an often uncritical friend. * highly recommended
From 16th march
- Lenin’s Tomb on the crisis part three, part four.
- LibCom takes a look at the crisis. ” These people have been in hell, fought toward the exit, and are bearing the scars.”
- International Socialism (the opposition who have left the SWP) is organising its first meeting,
- The International Socialist League says there is a crisis of revolutionary morality.
- Socialist Resistance says let’s get some good out of this comrades. * recommended
- Through the Scary Door gets to the nub of the question and has a poll on which was your favourite crisis “meme”. (results)
- The Chair Leg of Truth (great name) attacks the fools on the hill.
- Statement from York Anarchists.
- Phil at AVPS has a first hand account of sexism in the SWP. *recommended
- Resignation from Richard Atkinson.
- People’s Plain Dealer says we need to talk – more revelations. *required reading
- Soviet Goon Boy takes on how the center of the party becomes immune to both criticism and the “real world”.
- The Canadian section of the SWP is hit with high profile resignations.
- Jews sans frontieres says “Nobody who cares about the future of radical politics should cheer such a sad end to over 60 years of left-wing organizing”
- Weekly Worker has two articles in this edition; on ostriches and feminists are not “our” allies. Harpymarx responds.
- Red Bed Head wonders whether the party is really over.
- To the victor goes the toils says it can be like fresh air leaving an organisation.
- Tony Greenstein says that alleged harassment and rape were the symptoms, lack of democracy the case.
- First Draft, looks at how “one issue soon leads to another”.
- Liberal England mocks the SWP CC.
- A Canadian SWP member writes that we just embrace the gains of women’s liberation.
- jerry Hicks responds to those who seek to associate him with allegations against the SWP.
- The Scottish RCN write on Red Bait and Slurs and the failure of recruit, recruit, recruit.
- After the SWP crisis from the Degenerate Lefty.
- The Delhi Historical materialism conference distances itself from the SWP. Callinicos replies (facebook).
The SW cartoon this week In the press;
- The Daily Mail is working its magic again. Nine rapes? Well at least one more as it uncovers more accusations.
- Hugh Muir in the Guardian Diary notes twitter spats between the Goves and Michael Rosen.
- The FLR (spoof left paper) is actually quite good on this. Issue 12.
- The journal. Revolution on the rocks and we quit over sexist culture.
- The SWP responds at the Guardian – Challenging sexism is at the heart of the SWP and the ISN pass judgement (plus Roobin) and Richard Seymour in the Guardian.
- SW cartoon of the week (right) original (pdf). Page nine also has a letter on feminism.
From 28th March
- International Socialism has been posting some very thoughtful pieces on the IS tradition. Also specifically on the crisis their response to SWSS notes.
- Canadian socialists debate the crisis.
- Sheffield SWP have a mass resignation.
- Freedom Socialist Party on the crisis.
- B Smeaton writes is the SWP finished?
- Harpymarx says that loyalty is part of the problem.
- STOP PRESS: No articles in this week’s Weekly Worker on the SWP crisis. What are they hiding? Well, there is this one on Ken Loach which goes over it a fair bit.
- Report from Glasgow bedroom tax protest which turned nasty A thosand flowers (with video) (and Howie’s Corner)
- Red Scriblings says the SWP are hypocrites one rule for Assange and one for themselves.
- Andy Lawson discusses the SWP’s dangerous past and future (audio).
- Eve unbound sets out to “sketch out different ways of thinking about sexual harrasment”.
- Student national conference did not go well for the SWP because of the crisis.
- China Meiville writes a very interesting piece “on cult-like behavior”.
- In the press;
- The Guardian diary spots the fact Alex Callinicos was disinvited from the Delhi HM conference.
- Telegraph blogs uses Comrade Delta as an example of why lad cultre is ok.
- Telegraph blogs again bringing p the rape case to attack SW’s Thatcher coverage
From May 2013
- Manchester SWSS resignation letter.
- Open letter to Sydney Historical Materialism conference.
- International Socialist Network; Safe Spaces and the Revolutionary Party
- Weekly Worker; no platform a self-inflicted injury, dealing with sex assault cases, SWP opposition – signs of life. Thick skins and think skulls.
- Grumpy Old Trot wonders who will be attending this years Marxism.
- Launching Fault Lines a blog by SWP members. First, A letter to those who are passionate, rape culture and mythology.
- The IS Network welcome the new blog / initiative.
- Who will teach the teachers? Mike Gonzalez.
Pre-Marxism 2013 batch
- Dave Renton Reflections on the IS tradition
- Alex Callinicos in Socialist Review; What sort of party do we need?
- Also letters from Pat Stack, Mark Krantz, Tony Phillips, Kevin Corr, Dermot Smyth.
- Announcing the Revoltionary Socialism tumblr – an SWP opposition resource.
- Highlights so far;
- Ian Birchall replies to his critics. *great*
- Dan Swain adds his views on the “Leninis debate.
- Revolutionary organisation and the united front Rob Owen
- You did hear me.
- Towards a marxist analysis of rape.
- Soviet Goon Boy reveals an SWP National Committee meeting is called at 4 days notice in response to the launch of a tumbler. Also the Central Committee cannot hold.
- Socialist Unity reveals there’s other reasons too.
- Lives Running on party democracy.
Event: 4 members have been suspended fro the party and one full timer sacked for supporting the opposition. ISN.
Marxism speakers who support the opposition are withdrawing. This is due to 4 comrades being suspended today by SWP National Committee.
— Jen Izaakson (@Izaakson) July 7, 2013
Jonny Jones has resigned as Deputy Editor of the International Socialism Journal, as are all SWP full-timers who support the opposition.
— Jen Izaakson (@Izaakson) July 7, 2013
According to this FB post by a party worker who has now resigned a number of full tiers have resigned at the suspension of members and the sacking of one oppositionist who worked for the party.
Weekly Worker: How did this bloody mess come to pass?
Marxism 2013
- Statement on the crisis in the SWP after the NC meeting – revolutionary socialism tumblr
- The four expelled members were reinstated two days after the NC vote. Their statement.
- The Marxism 2013 conference partly takes place in ULU. ULU have taken the unprecedented step of making a statement and organising events on women’s liberation in protest. Here.
- AWL statement on the same event here.
- Paul Le Blanc comprehensively reviews Marxism 2013.
- Facing reality predicts the SWP’s review of Marxism 2013 and then complains of plagiarism after the event.
- An incognito comrade reviews the event part one, part two. Occupy Marxism, from the same author.
- Ian Allinson – reflections of an oppositionist.
- ISN fringe on “the f-word“. (videos)
- Great reviews from the Revolutionary Socialism tumblr; Eamonn McCann at the closing rally, Hannah Dee on women’s liberation, Kevin Doogan work today, Marxism and oppression, Laura M on transphobia, Callinicos on Lenninism, Molyneux on the IS tradition, the opening rally, (others from this series can be found using the tag)
- Weekly Worker ISNetwork Entropy, therapy and ecleticism, Oppression and opportunism, Lenin and specific conditions, Alex in Wonderland, reports from the CPGB and HOPI fringes.
- Socialist Worker: a thirst for socialist ideas. Voices from Marxism 2013.
- Martin Smith resigns from the SWP. (reports Phil, Soviet Goon Boy)
- Facing reality has the Central Committee response, sort of.
- Soviet Goon Boy – the facebook four respond.
- ISN – Good riddance now get the rest.
- Socialist Unity and then the second disciplinary case was heard anyway.
Catch-up batch
- The Guardian diary Adieu Comrade Delta.
- Mike Rosen, Open Letter to the SWP and a reply to John Rose and a reply to a party loyalist
- Lindsey German responds on Marxist anti-feminism.
- Blogging J Blogs on the IS and gay liberation, spoof response to Mike Rosen, fighting sexual harassment at work, Dear National secretary please expell us from the SWP, Magical Leninist faction: a poem
- Rape apologism and the far left
The pre-conference period 2013
The national conference which was due for January 2014 has been brought forwards to December 2013 presumably to help give everyone expelled a stress-free Christmas.
NB: while some of the more theoretical pieces have been included these are generally those that seemed the most pertinent and I am still trying to avoid posting articles not directly related to the crisis, even when the author thinks they are.
- Pre-conference bulletin one can be downloaded here, among many other places, and is well worth a read.
- SWP press release on reassessing their disputes processes.
- Socialist Unity discuss the first pre-conference bulletin.
- Charlie Kimber and Alex Callinicos in the ISJ on the SWP crisis.
- According to Revolutionary Socialist Tumblr members of the editorial board are not happy and have written a response.
- Update: the 18 board members’ letter is to be published!
- Dave Renton responds, as does Mike Rosen, as does Amy Gilligan.
- Inside Left has a “hack response” to Dave Renton.
- Callinicos breaks with tradition and replies via facebook.
- Replies to Callinicos; Blogging Blogs, Sadia Jabeen.
- Blogging J continues the theme with answers for Dave.
- Weekly Worker; SWP at war with itself, Rebuilding the party faction formed, Leatherites eager for a purge, update on rebuilding the party faction activities
- A reply to John Molyneux on gender essentialism ISN.
- Rape in the SWP: Testimony from a victim ISN *** essential, if difficult, reading
- Ross Speer on how to argue with your comrades.
- Women’s Fightback draws parallels with the case of the SP’s Steve Hedley.
- Bristol Anarchists release a statement on the SWP crisis.
New batch (Oct’ 2013)
- Solidarity is our starting point.
- Dave Renton has been posting a number of excellent pieces on women’s liberation like this piece Women’s Liberation, what the SWP missed.
- The hard hitting minority editorial board letter online at the ISJ and the reply to the response from Callinicos and Kimber.
- Other replies include those from Indiana, Mike Rosen and “Dave” from Sheffield.
- Alex Callinicos replies to our Indiana comrade and Dave Renton.
- Gareth Edwards wrote this excellent spoof review of Lives Running, Dave Renton’s lovely little sporting autobiography.
- An open letter to the ISN from a member of the opposition.
- “Bolshie Elane” writes 16 rape myths. Powerful stuff.
- Angry Women of Liverpool (AWOL) allege that the SWP has inappropriately pulled strings to give, now ex-member, Martin Smith a PhD placement at university. (Howie’s Corner on the same thing). The University respond. Delta Removals demands answers.
- Not entirely serious: an SWP hack speech generator and a Downfall video on PhD-gate, and Blogging J Blogs anticipates the CC’s next installment to the internal bulletin and sorry seems to be the hardest word.
- The Weekly Worker feels the latest episode brings the whole left into disrepute. Insiders call the leadership to account. Another split looms.
- Luna 17 tries to bring some more political context into assessing where we are now.
- Another piece of fall out from the crisis is the break-up of Unison United Left as leading members have broken away to form a new organisation, without the SWP. Jon Rogers adds his reasoning.
- Phil describes the “depravity” of the SWP.
- Bill Crane is not allowed to join the SWP.
- The trial of Paris Thompson, at Lives; Running.
- Internal Bulletin Two (2013). Well worth a look – 100 pages long but full of informative things.
- Internal Bulletin Three (2013). Positions on all sides stated, at length.
- Socialist Unity hosts the full version of an edited contribution to IB2.
- Women and power differences within revolutionary groups and the left and rape.
- Mike Rosen feels he has to issue another reply to untruths.
- Lighter hearted pieces: faction fight the musical part one, part two. Idoom reinvents physics. Shibboleth bingo.
- Bolshie Elane – a letter to my brothers and sisters.
- Harpy Marx – intersectionality and the SWP.
- Dave Renton’s compendium of confusions listing his recent writings on the SWP crisis.
- One CPGB member responds to his arguments.
- Neil Davidson on the crisis (video from Edinburgh Marxism)
- Delta Removals sees Martin Smith put on “distance learning”.
- Martin Smith, a retrospective – from Lives; Running.
Incident on Sussex University campus (and related)
- I heard you have an SWP problem.
- Why we trashed SWP stall.
- SWP off campus.
- Stavvers: why the SWP must be unwelcome in “our” spaces.
- AWL: no to physical attacks on the SWP
- And at ULU: an infestation of SWP leeches.
- Bristol: Bristol Anarchist Federation “bar SWP”
- Weekly Worker: Autonomists in “feelgood” attack on the SWP.
Post-December 2013 Conference
- On the eve of conference this joint letter appealed to opposition members to stay in the party.
- Ian Bone, Lord Commander of all the anarchists, is disappointed.
- Blogging J Blogs’ post-conference bulletin (written prior to conference), the Professor’s new clothes.
- James Heartfield picture; The Golden Leader.
- Resignations (fb denotes Facebook post, you’ll only be able to read them depending on privacy settings and if you’re Facebook friends with them);
- Joint resignation statement (141 signatories at time posted, update: 165).
- Comrade X
- Adam Di Chiara (fb)
- Charlie Hore (fb)
- Dan Swain (fb)
- Dave Renton
- Dave Roberts (fb)
- Emily McDonagh (twitter)
- Gill George (fb)
- Ian Allinson (fb)
- Ian Birchall
- John Cowsill
- Jonathon Neil (fb)
- Justin ‘Jaz’ Thomas
- Linda Nunns
- Pat Stack
- Peter Gillard
- Phil Tsappas (fb)
- Stef Newton (fb)
- Sue Bond (fb)
- Tony Walker (second one down)
- Viv Smith
- “Comrade Markin” (Andy Gammon Cunningham)
- The case for the defense of the SWP;
- Socialist Worker report of conference.
- John Mullen puts the case for the SWP leadership.
- Snowball writes on why he’s not resigning.
- John Carlton would prefer people not to resign. (fb)
- SWP official response in the light of resignations (and new disputes procedure passed Dec ’13)
- Michael Rosen has responds to the conference resignations with serious concerns. *recommended.
- And then a threat then made the same day against Michael Rosen for posting.
- Andrew Coates responds to Ian Birchall’s resignation.
- Owen Jones managed to provoke the longest facebook discussion so far on this. Useful for the amount of hither too unseen pro-leadership views (almost 600 comments at time of posting).
- Revolutionary Socialism tumblr handed over from the opposition to those who’ve left the party.
- Ian Bone writes his own angry resignation from the SWP, a party he never joined.
- Hatful of History compares today’s crisis with that of the CPGB in 1956.
- Weekly Worker reports the conference: Creating a desert waste and notes of a delegate.
- The Guardian diary covers the SWP “hacking scandal”.
- Morning Star: a mixed year for the left in Britain.
- Soviet Goon Boy gives a clear overview of events so far in This is how the party ends.
2014 onwards
Taken 06/05/14
Counter revolutionaries?Resignation of ex-CC member; Weekly Worker (very useful summary)
- New ISJ: Alex Callinicos on the left in 2013
- As Revolutionary Socialism 21 (or RS21) prepares to be launched by members of ‘the faction’ who’ve left the SWP Jo Ordinary asks What sort of party do we want?
- Michael Rosen on the 1957 split in the CPGB. It is relevant, I promise.
- Richard Seymour on his head to head meeting with Alex Callinicos during the crisis.
- Revitalising Labour – lessons from the SWP crisis.
- ULU statement on Marxism 2014 (fb).
- SWP response to ULU statement.
- LibCon on confronting sexual violence in the movement.
- Weekly Worker: SWP sign of the times, autonomist bankruptcy.
- Liverpool Class Action: SWP not welcome in Liverpool.
- AVPS: A defense of the SWP.
- SWP stall overturned in Leeds – photo of picket day after (fb).
- The Leninist Model (with cartoons) via Lives Running.
- Video of a protest against an SWP in Rotherham (youtube) and an audio of someone opposed to the protest (audioboo).
- Edward Platt in the New Statesman (print edition) on the “destruction of the SWP” and the “battle for succession”.
- Is the International Socialist tradition finished? (from the US)
- Strategic misogyny – provocation.
- Alex Callinicos writes on the crisis of the left in the ISJ.
- Micheal Rosen responds. Louis Proyect responds. Richard Seymour responds.
Oct’ 2014 SWP threeatens legal action against Edinburgh’s The Student leading to them scrapping their front page;
- Students Rights: SWP motion shows the importance of consistency.
- The Journal: SWP motion forced off agenda after threats of defamation.
- Edinburgh Tab: Student newspaper vandalises it’s own newspaper after law suit threat.
- The Student: official statement on scrapping their front page.
- Lives Running: Hollow threats, hollow people.
- Facing reality: in defence of the SWP
Remember folks: bourgeois courts are bourgeois if an SWP leader rapes you, but proletarian if anyone puts this in writing.
— Joseph (@JosephKay76) October 21, 2014
Goldsmiths students vote to ban the SWP from campus and burn their literature;
- Andrew Coates: Goldsmiths vote to ban the SWP
- Independent: shutting down debate and banning the SWP
If I’ve missed anything useful please do let me know, and many thanks to those who’ve emailed in.